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ESM Building (Medical City)

ESM Building (Palawan Medical City)

Another lot situated in Malvar St. A group of doctors wanted to have a modern site to practice their trade. This is a first in Palawan to have a group of specialists gathered together in one building to practice their profession in a very convenient and modern facility and benefiting the Palawenos.


It was very similar to the first building except that this offered another meter in width. The lot was bigger and longer and we designed to occupy the whole width of the lot with a firewall and light well to facilitate the airconditioning requirement and to bring in some light into the center of the building.


We did this before and we organized and coordinated with experience. We did have to pour concrete for the second and third storey which was now a lot bigger in area. We organized two teams with two portalifts. We finished pouring by 8pm, unlike the first building where we did have till the sunrise the following day.


We made partitions for the doctor's offices utilizing metal studdings, even including the lead wall for the x-ray machine. Each doctor had their specilized area which requires a little of adjusting here and there. 


It is a welcome site for the city to have all the specialized doctors come under one roof. The building is equipped with a generator that powers all of the requirement of the whole building.

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